Thursday, April 21, 2011

Holy Thursday.

So close now! So close to Easter.
Alright, here is one more link for an Easter recipe. It's Easter's a really pretty loaf. I don't know if I'm going to have the time to make it myself is such a pretty loaf! :-) I love the five eggs tucked into the braid. Traditionally, the five eggs were dyed red to symbolize the five wounds of Our Lord.
Anyway, I thought you all might enjoy looking at the recipe, if nothing else.
Easter Bread

I am hoping to make an Easter wreath with pussy-willows...that may not work out, but if it does, I will try and post it! :-)
I still have quite a lot of cleaning to do as well. Luckily, it's my weekend and I should have time to get all the things I want to get done, done!

God Bless,


  1. cooooool bread, Pandy....
    Wait, no song? Oooh your bad, you lost the bet!
