Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday Style

Happy Saturday, Everyone!
So for this style, you do the ponytail flip style (make sure you start it as a high pony. It will relax and slide down a bit.) but instead of just flipping your pony once, you're going to keep going,  flipping till only the ends of your hair are left. Then you tuck the ends and pin them in place. And it looks so nice. :) It reminds me of a Spanish Dancer type style. That might just be the big red flower. *Hmmmm.*

I really want to see this show. I came across the trailer a little while ago and I think it looks like it could be  pretty awesome. The idea really intrigues me. I mean, what would happen to the world if all power just stopped and didn't come back on? Plus, the Uncle looks super cool. *Grin.* All that sword fighting action...and those wicked crossbows! Sweet! I believe it's already airing on TV but I don't have cable so I'll have to wait till it's out on DVD. It's kinda a bummer. But then I can keep tabs on how the show's doing and if they don't get permission for a second season I wont already be hooked on the first. :) 

I'm almost done with my big sewing project. :-) I just have to do buttons and button holes. It's that split skirt I mentioned some posts ago. I've been working on it on and off for the last few weekends and I'm rather pleased with the way it's looking. The thing with sewing is, I get burned out pretty easily and I leave half-done projects sitting for months! It's terrible. I started a grey skirt back in-oh let me see. January? And it's basically done. I just need to do hemming and buttons. *Note to self. Finish that project. A grey skirt would be a welcome addition to my wardrobe.* I don't know why it's always the last bit that just does me in. I mean, the hard parts are done! Silly me. I will get the split skirt done as soon as possible and then I might post some pictures and gloat a little. Mrhrhrhr. 

Well, cheers! I'm going to make a little batch of cookies for tomorrow. I always like to have a cookie-maybe two- with my coffee on Sunday morning. It's ever so lovely!

God Bless!


  1. Revolution is a really good show so far. It's been on for about a month. We don't have cable either, but luckely our converter box gets it.

  2. Oooh! Thanks for telling me! Now I can let myself get a bit more excited about it. :)

  3. Hey, it appears you can watch the show here
    If you have unlimited highspeed internet that is.
    I didn't try it out, because we aren't unlimited :(
    Just a heads up.

  4. Pretty hair. <3

    I WANT TO SEE THAT SO MUUUUCH! I love distopian stuff. And sword fighting makes everything awesome.


  5. That is a beautiful hair style. I rather think I will add it to my repertoire of easy 'dos with impressive results!

  6. Dang, Amy some of the hairstyles.. well ALL of the hairstyles you post here are so professional! I really want to see Revelution, it looks so cool. But I wanna see ONCE UPON A TIME more :D
    God Bless

  7. I'm so eager to try your hair style ideas!

    Oo...I think I want to see that show too. It looks good!

    Thanks for your cover input!! It helped a lot!


  8. Thanks Treskie. Hey, what do you say about practicing fencing with Marhi and me? I mean, fencing really does make everything awesome!

    Yes, please add it to your repertoire. it is super easy. :)

    I want to see Once Upon a Time, too, Bella. But I think I'm a bit more excited about Revolution.

    Hi, Jack. I'm glad my input helped. :)

  9. That does look like a fairly good show. Another one on my to-watch list.

  10. Oh, Treskie, whenever you want to start!

    Hey, Kimberly, I checked out that link and It looks like my internet is fast enough! Thank you. I think I'm going to see how well it plays tonight. :)

  11. I hadn't ever thought of the many Me's as useful. Hm...yes, I suppose it would. Mostly I just thought of all the world domination the many Me's I could accomplish..or would it be us? And the conversations we would have. Which might be a bit odd.

    NaNo does help one to get writing done, even if one doesn't reach the goal. What is your user name on NaNo? I'll add you. 8-D


  12. Sorry it has taken me so long to comment on this. It was a really fun post, and that tune Gus plays is *such* a lovely tune... But, oh, that second hairstyle is hilAIRious! Ye just *gotta* Amy!
