Thursday, June 21, 2012


Whew...I have not posted in a long time! So sorry. I am going to post at least once a week and make twice-a-week posting my goal. I love goals. :-)
My family made our fist trip to the beach a few days ago. Mountain lakes are usually pretty cold and Lake Tahoe is no exception. It was cold. We had fun. We don't usually go to the beach during the day because of the crowds of badly dressed people that flock there. We like going in the evening. Five-thirty or six pm sees most people heading home. That's when we take over. :-) It's really a great way to end the day. Swimming is so refreshing.

And I had the opportunity to watch "For Greater Glory." I am not going to do a big review of it, though I will give you a few links to good reviews. But I did want to at least say how wonderful I thought it was. It was amazing...and sad. And beautiful. Andy Garcia is at the top of my favorite actors list currently. It's the sort of movie that makes you determined to be a better, braver, less complaining person. It is a war movie (with an R rating) but let me say that for a war movie, the violence was handled very well. It wasn't nearly as gory as it could have been, but the story is a bit gritty and there are some pretty hard parts to watch. I personally think it could very well have been rated PG13 and have been fine. Anyway, it was one of the best movies I've seen in a very long time. I loved it. It's one of those movies that is so amazing, I can't fin the words to explain it. I cried almost all the way through it. And I fell in love with a lot of the characters...especially this little fellow.

Rush Limbaugh did a very good review HERE
And Maria at Fire, Fleet, and Candlelight will have one soon so check for it HERE.
That's about the gist of it. I will post at least once a week from now on! (You all believe me, right?:-) God Bless and take care! Oh, and watch the trailer. Even that makes me cry! Viva Cristo Rey! (Long live Christ the King!)

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