Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Wait for iiiiiiiiiiit!

I am just popping on for a moment to mutter a hasty apology for totally abandoning my blog, my followers, pintrest and the internet world in general. I know you've all missed me. *wink*

It's a lame excuse, but I'm just so crazy busy right now! Life is a wild, unpredictable thing, isn't it?  And just when you think you've got a handle on it, it changes.

I'm going to do my darndest to get my posting back up to twice a week. (You may all snicker now. I just did.)

Is anyone else finding life super busy right now or is it just me? I mean like, sort of swamped with tons of annoying little things that somehow manage to fill your whole day? Like a job...or two?

Anyway, my sister showed my a few songs by Hunter Hayes today, (Yep. I just heard of him today. I'm not great at staying in the loop.:) and I really liked the songs she showed me.
I wanted to post 'I want crazy' because that's my favorite of his songs so far and it sort of nails my over-all mood right now. But my sisters has basically forbidden that I post it since she wants to and claimed dibs on it. Soooo....she has the posting rights and I don't. But you should look it up. It's a really cute song.

But here! Listen to this one instead. It's cute too.


Take care, everyone.
God Bless!


  1. Heeeyyy! I got to meet some of your family today!!! AWESOME!!! :D Wish I could have met you too, but who knows, maybe some other time. :)

  2. That is so cool! And I am so jealous of my sisters right now. ;) Well, the next time I head out to Idaho I'll be sure to let you know. I can't wait to hear what my sisters have to say about you. *Mrhrhrhrhr* lol.


  3. Yes, next time you're in Idaho, let me know! =)
    Well, one of the littlest ones (I think it was Annie) told me I was awesome. *grin* I really enjoyed getting to meet them - they're so sweet:) Basically we talked about nothing but Doctor Who for an hour. :D

  4. You're more in the loop than me, I've never heard of him. I'll have to look him up.

    Ug, busy is something I understand all too well at the moment. 8-P We could run away, you and I, and become hermits and not have to worry about busy anymore. *Grin*

    I didn't get a chance to love 11 until Clara showed up, which makes me sad now. I plan to go back and rewatch all of his. But, now that I've finally fallen in love with him, he's leaving and breaking my heart 8-( ANd I really wanted him and Clara to have their own season.

    It will be hard to give 12 a chance, but, I guess one must tries one's best.

  5. P.S. And yes, I did miss you

  6. You're so funny! Yeah, Hunter Hayes is cute. All I can think is, "He's too young for me. His songs are cute, though." ;)

  7. Hi, Natasha. My sisters really loved meeting you and Kellie! :) It was apparently one of the highlights of their trip. And yeah, Annie things you're awesome. *Grin*

    Hi Hilda! *Wavewavewave.*

    Hey, Jack. If you like country music, I think you'll enjoy some of his music. Look up 'Crazy love' first. It's my favorite. The refrain is perfect. :)I like that he writes most of his music and plays like 30 instruments. It's so awesome.
    Hermits? Cool! As long as I have Wifi...and coffee. :P

    He does look really young, doesn't he, Kit. Bu he is 21 or 22. Which isn't old or anything. But yeah, I think he's kinda nice looking. Especially when he's singing.

