Wednesday, December 19, 2012

This and that...But mostly that.

Christmas is only six days away! Scream with me, people. In a good, happy way. ;)

Okay, I went and saw the Hobbit. *Squeee!* It's awesome. I can't say I was worried that Peter Jackson wouldn't do a good job. But it was sort of relief how good it was! There were a few changes that I was like, *hmmm* about and one or two (maybe three) things I wouldn't have done and I sort of wish Peter Jackson hadn't, either. But otherwise, brilliant. The cast was perfect.

Martin Freeman was Bilbo. He did such a perfect job his roll. I don't think they could have found another person so perfect.
There were a couple parts that stood out in their perfectness, and the whole beginning in Bilbo's hobbit hole was everything I could have hoped for. 
Loved it. 

When wrapping presents or doing crafts, there's nothing quite so nice as listening to some of the Old Time Radio Christmas shows. The era of Radio shows was so neat and some of their stories get more across than the movies of today. One that I really enjoyed was 'The Christmas Carol.'
Scrooge is voiced by this guy:

For those of you who might not know, he's Mr. Potter on "It's a Wonderful Life."

If you'd care to listen to it while you wrap or do crafts click here.The Christmas Carol

I recently saw, "A Princess for Christmas" and thoroughly enjoyed it. I liked it so much that I watched it twice in a week. *Grin*. The ending gets a bit cheesy but otherwise, it was very well done. I like happy, fuzzy stories at Christmastime. 

And something to jump up and down about, Josh Groban has released a single from his upcoming album, All that Echoes. *Jump. jump, jump!* Did you hear that, Peeps? His NEW album which will be released in February!
The single is called, Brave.

And since I'm already on the topic of Josh Groban, you really should watch this. Awesome. <3

Well that's that. God Bless!


  1. Yeah, Martin Freeman as Bilbo was the best choice they could have made.

    I may have to listen to Christmas Carol.

    Princess for Christmas is such a chick flick that I was embarrassed to like it.... but it totally knocks Letters to Juliet out of the water. :D


  2. Squeeee! Loved Bilbo. SO much!

    Great quote from the Christmas Carol! Thank you. :)


  3. Treskie, you should listen to the Christmas carol. It's very well done. :D

    Cat; *Squeee!* for Bilbo, *Squee!* for the Hobbit, and *Squeee!* for Josh!

  4. Grrr, I want to see it so badly!
    Oh, and by the way: I've just caught sight of your profile pic, and you. Are. Beautiful. Like Treskie. My word yours is a lucky family! ~jealous mutterings~

  5. *Jump jump jump* I love Josh Groban's voice, and I actually like him. I don't know of many famous people I can actually like, but he seems very nice and quirky. (One day he dressed up as the chap from Blue's Clues and said he was going to go about and look for clues everywhere. And posted about it on Twitter. Not many famous people are that quirky and open about it. And not many 30-year-old men with no younger siblings, kids, or nephews or nieces would admit to knowing about a kids show made WAY after the time when they were kids. I mean, it was made even after I was a kid and I learned about it while babysitting.)
    But his new song is great. More bouncy then this others, but I think this whole CD will be. Which might be rather fun.

    I think Martin Freeman was born as Bilbo but no one knew it till now.
    Aye, if I could find a Dwarf mountain like that I'd move in. I wouldn't even bother wasting time announcing it, I'd just show up on the front door with my clothing and ask for the nearest room.

  6. Well...thank you, Emily. You should see the other pictures that came out of that little photo shoot session. Some of them were pretty hilarious. :D

    Yep, Jack. I always love Josh's music. He does awesome stuff. And I agree, he seems like one of the most normal famous people I've ever come across.
    (*Psssst* I think he has a younger brother. But not too much younger. :D)

  7. THE HOBBIT! Martin Freeman did SO WELL! I wanted more of him :)

    "A princess for Christmas" was adorable. I'd watch it again, definitely.

    JOSH GROBAN!!!!!! He is so awesome!! :-O (in my Monster Inc. voice)

    Christmas has done me good, and I believe it will do me good, and I say God Bless it! So a Merry Christmas. And a Happy New Year!

    God Bless

  8. Thank you, Bella-bud. :D
    A very Merry Christmas to you as well!
