Saturday, April 21, 2012

Tangled hair...

Alright. Finally, a hair tutorial. I may one day do an actual 'Rapunzel" hair tutorial. I bet, if I put my mind to it, I can come up with a similar braid to the one that she has in Tangled. But for now I am going to do Rapunzel's Mother's hair style. I did try to find a good picture of the style, but it'd pretty darn near impossible to find a clear shot of it. It's this one.
Yeah. That's the one, alright. :-)
It's a little clearer here.
If you want to see it really clearly, turn on the movie and skip to the 'reunion' scene near the end. You get a couple really nice shots of it. As near as I can tell, this is how to recreate that look.
Part your hair on the side and pull two front sections forward.
Take each side and tie a knot in it. You want these knots to be off to the sides of the middle of the back of your head. Got that? LOL.
And pin in place.

Sorry for the bad picture quality here.
Tie and pin the other side.

After that, you are going to take the leftover hair sticking out from your knots and twist them into a little bun for the center.

I hope you can see that. It's hard taking pictures of yourself! What you should have are two little knots on either side of a little bun. I actually needed to pull my knots a little tighter.)
Me trying to show you from the side...I don't think I quite succeeded. :-)
After I got it up, I went ahead and stuck in a bunch of hair pretties.

And from the front.

I hope you were able to sort of follow that along. If you have short hair and you want to do this, I suggest doing the knots on the side's like normal but instead of twisting the leftover bits, (because if your hair is short you probably wont have very much leftover:-) pull up a little hair from the middle and roll that into a bun, tucking any sticking out 'lefteovers' under it.

I did make the hair pretties that I'm wearing in these pictures. I will do a separate tutorial for the flowers, because they are a little time consuming, but the pearl ones are super easy.

The hair pins I get always come in two rubber banded bunches-one bunch being thicker, stronger hair pins the other being small, skinny hair pins. I never ever use the skinny ones.

 They do nothing in the way of hold up my hair. I used to just throw them out because they would inevitable get mixed up with my good ones and were just a bother. Now, I use them for some of my hair pretty projects.

All you need are some hair pins and some beads of your choice. Bend the pin open-ish.
Slide the bead on,

And bend back into shape. Way-hey! Ta-da.

I made a set of eight.

See? Super easy...and super pretty, I think.
There you are! I hope you enjoyed that. I am sorry that the pictures are pretty blah. Let me know if you try this...and attach a link of how it turned out on you! That would be fun. :-)
God Bless!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I have been having a 'bbc period movies' spree! I watched "Little Dorrit" and really like it and "Wives and Daughters" and really liked it and now I'm watching "North and South." I. LOVE. IT! So far...I haven't finished it yet. But I will probably have it done by tonight. LOL. I've never seen Richard Armitage in anything before this,(except for the very brief part he played in Captain America) but he is a really good actor and he does a brilliant job with his roll. I likes him...quite a lot. :-) It's pretty much impossible not to.


And I really like the girl character in this one. I sometimes get a little bit tired of the girls in these shows. But Margaret is a really neat girl.
 She's brave and she's kind without it being obvious. And she does the right thing, even when it's hard or even dangerous.
She's very pretty too. I like the way she looks. It's not 'movie star' pretty. It's much more real.

Okay. There you have it. I am going to figure out how she does her hair and do a tutorial for you all. I promise! I don't think it will be that hard to figure out actually. I just...well, to be honest, I procrastinate a tiny bit.
So let's see. Coming up, hair tutorials and hair pretty tutorials...right. Well. I will do my very best to get on that and do some. This week if I can manage it.

Thank you for reading! And in honor of my 'North and South' obsession, here's the trailer. :-) I really encourage you to find this and watch it. It is really good and far less 'frilly' than a lot of theses period shows tend to be.

God Bless!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sunshine award.

Hello, everyone and Happy Easter! I hope you all had a lovely day. I definitely did.
Katrina at world crafter has given me a blog award. Awww, thank you, Kit! I do appreciate it. :-)
And the rules are as follows:
1.) Thank the person that nominated you. (Thank you Katrina!)
2.)Answer 10 questions about yourself. (Here we go again. *sigh.* LOL)
3.)Write a post about it. (?...does this count as writing a post about it?)
4.) Pass it along to 10 other people. (Um...yeah.That might not work out. :-)

Any-hoosle. Here we go. The questions! (Buckle up.)

1.) Favorite color.  I love the color yellow. It's such a warm, happy color. However, if we are talking favorite color to wear, it would have to be this.

2.) Favorite animal. Dogs! Absolutely. They are 'man's best friend,' doncha know. I want a dog like this one.

3.) Favorite number. Hummm. Veeery interesting. I'll go with...24.

4.) Favorite drink. That's really a hard one for me. I love coffee.
 And tea.
 Probably coffee. though.

5.)Facebook or Twitter. Neither, actually. I am not 'conected.' At all. :-)
6.) My passion. Right, well. I have lots of hobbies. But I think the only thing that I am passionate about is singing. Music. I love that. Nothing inspires me like music, and nothing makes me happier than when I manage to sing something well. Definitely music.

7.)Getting or giving? I like to give. (Not to 'goodie-two-shoes' myself.) I really enjoy and get excited about giving things to people. But I love to get something, too. It's fun.

8.) Favorite pattern. I like polka-dots! (Right now...tomorrow I may be in my plaid mood. LOL)

9.) Favorite day of the week. That is currently...Sunday, I guess. My whole week is pretty great most of the time. But Sundays are fun. I get to visit my cousins and relax, so yeah.
10) Favorite flower. Yellow roses.

Okay. Now I'm suppose to nominate 10 other blogs. But, as usual, the blogs I follow are also followed by my sisters and they have nominated them already! But, hey, I have 11 followers, I nominate you all! :-)

That's all for now. Except, here's a song that I am trying very hard to learn. It's so pretty...

God Bless!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Sweet the nails and sweet the wood...

       "How much do you love the world, Oh God?" He answered,
       "This Much."

"Sing my tongue, the Saviour's glory;
Tell His triumph far and wide;
Tell aloud the famous story
Of His Body crucified'
How upon the cross a Victim,
Vanquishing in death, He died.
Faithful Cross...

Eathing of the tree forbidden,
Man had sunk in Satan's snare,
When his pitying Creator
Did this second tree prepare,
Destined, many ages later,
That first evil to repair.
Sweet the nails...

Such the order God appointed
When for sin He would atone;
To the serpent thus opposing
Schemes yet deeper than his own:
Thence the remedy procuring
Whence the fatal wound had come.
Faithful Cross...

So when now at length the fulness
Of the sacred time drew nigh,
Then the Son who moulded all things
Left His Father's throne on high.
From a Virgin's Womb appearing,
Clothed in our mortality.
Sweet the Nails...

All within a lowly manger,
Lo, a tender babe He lies!
See His gentle Virgin mother
Lull to sleep His infant cries;
While the limbs of God Incarnate
Round with swathing bands she ties.
Faithful Cross...

Thus did Christ to perfect manhood
In our mortal flesh attain:
Then of His free choice He goeth
To a death of bitter pain;
And as a lamb, upon the alter
Of the Cross for us is slain.
Sweet the Nails...

Lo, with gall His thirst He quenches:
See the thorns upon His brows,
Nails His tender flesh are rending:
See His side is open now,
Whence to cleanse the whole creation
Streams of blood and water flow.
Faithful Cross...

Lofty Tree, bend down thy branches
To embrace thy sacred loas;
Oh, relax the native tension
Of that all too rigid wood:
Gently, gently bear the members
Of thy dying King and God.
Sweet the Nails..

Tree which soley wast found worthy
Earth's great victim to sustain
Harbour from the raging tempest,
Ark, that saved the world again,
Tree with sacred blood anointed
Of the Lamb for sinners slain.
Faithful cross...

Honour, blessing everlasting
To the immortal Deity:
To the Father, Son and Spirit,
Equal praises ever be:
Glory through the earth and Heaven
To the Trinity in Unity.
Sweet the Nails"

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

This War is the Passion

Here we are...the last week in Lent. Is it just me, or did lent go by really, really fast this year? I've been meaning to do a post on "This War is the Passion," by Caryll Houselander ever since I first read it, and for some reason, I just haven't found a good time. This seems like a good time.
I read it the first time...about a year and a half ago, I guess. Maybe longer. It is one of the best spiritual reading books I've ever read. It's just brilliant. The author, Caryll Houselander, wrote it during WWII, hence the title of the book, and she focuses primarily on 'seeing Christ' in everyone.
Caryll Houselander sounded like an amazing women from everything I've read about here. During and after the War, she worked as a councilor and therapist for those children that were emotionally shattered by the war. She did this dispite a complete lack of formal training and her success was commented on by a well-know psychologist who remarked that she simply 'loved them into health.'
'This War is the Passion' is a very beautifully written, some parts are so poigant that I cry, but it still is very real, very applicable to normal, everyday lives. Sometimes it's hard, when we read a spiritual book, to take what is said and imitate it. It seems beyond us. But this book is especially written for the average person and takes into consideration the hectic days that most people have for a life and how to still pray, still grow closer to God and most importantly, to remember that what we do to any person in the world, we do to God.
It goes through the Passion of our Lord in a 'Then and Now' way, which is very good. It is easy to forget that the Passion wasn't just an event that happened two thousand years ago, but it is a living thing that goes on an on in the Church. It is beautiful. And it's not a sad, depressing book as you might think from the title. It's almost more a 'battle cry' type book, a rally for Catholics. It's was written to give consolation and help to all the people confused and frightened durning the war. It helps gives depth and value to suffering. She finishes the book with the Resurrection of Our Lord. Here's a section from the end that I love:
"Easter then is truly the resurrection of the children of God, because they are to live His life, the life that has overcome sorrow and death. There is no longer anything in life that can over defeat the joy of the human heart, not even sin, for sin it is that wounds the world as the nails wounded Christ. And when the sharpest grief of all wounds a man- sorrow for sin- that evil thin falls away as the ugliness and torment of death fell away from Christ; the but wound remains as his wounds remained when, alone with His Father in that secret daybreak of Easter, He lifted His hands as they had been lifted upon the cross, and God saw the Light of the world in five stars, two that shone from Christ's feet in the dust, two that shone from His hands in supplication, one that burnt from the heart of the risen world."
*Sniff* Isn't that lovely?
So there. I know that not everyone is moved by the same things, and what is inspiration for one person may not be for another, but I can't recommend 'This War is the Passion' enough. There truly seems to be something in it for everyone.
God Bless. I hope you all have a good rest of Lent. I am not planning on doing any Easter themed posts like I did last year, but if you want to take a look at that old stuff, here is the page. :-)
Oh and one more thing. This song seems very Lent-ish to me. I think it's suppose to be a Christmas song, actually, but it always reminds me of Lent. Anyway. It's beautiful and I hope you enjoy it.