Tuesday, October 29, 2013

One more day before I"m done!

At the finish line of freee-dooom! And the challenge will be dooooone. I will clap my hands and Siiiiiing!

Okay. Sort of pathetic, I know. But I am jubilant! I'm almost done and life will go back to normal!

Um, Yes. Moving on quickly.

Can I just point out one more time that today is the 29th? This whole thing is almost over! *Cyber Cheering*

29.) A song from your childhood.

When I was little we listened to a lot of the Clancy Brothers and/or Tommy Makem music. They're one of the best Irish folk groups you'll ever find. No one sings rebel songs like they did! I do love a good rebel song! Especially Macpherson's Lament.

Farewell ye dungeons dark and strong
Farewell, farewell to thee
McPherson's life will no be long
On yonder gallows tree

This song was a particular favorite of mine and still is, really. The lyrics are awesome and sad and brave at the same time.

Take off these bands from off my hands
And give to me a sword
For there's not a man in all Scotland
But I'd brave him at his word

I can never decide what my favorite part of this song is. Usually I can pick out my favorite verse pretty easily, but this whole song is full of favorite verses. 

There's some come here for to see me hung
And some to buy my fiddle
But before that I do part with her
I'll break her through the middle

He took his fiddle in both of his hands
And he broke it o'er a stone
Saying "There's nae ither hand shall play on thee
When I am dead and gone"

The reprieve was coming o'er the Brigg of Banff
For to set McPherson free
But they put the clock a quarter before
And they hanged him from a tree

29.) Black and white.

What does black and white immediately make you think of? 

I got an instant, "Books!" idea and this is the result. 

The quote is from one of my favorite books, The Sherwood Ring. I actually got a bit carried away trying to figure out what part to photograph because there are so many awesome moments in this book. I took a good eight pictures before my camera batteries died. Still, I couldn't settle on one picture. So you get two today.

I love this book! I am now in the mood to re-read it. And I think I'll do a book review on it sometime soon. Once this challenge is over! *Cyber Cheering*

That's all for today. I'll see you tomorrow! Which is probably the last time I'll be saying that for a really long time. *Cyber Cheering!*

God Bless


  1. I love both those quotes. And now I fear I must read that book again, too.


    I am so happy.

  2. Hahahahahahah! ha! Haha! Hahaha! Ha! Heh. *wheeze*

    I think my favorite verse is the "He took his fiddle in both of his hands, and he broke it o'er a stone." I dunno why, "Doooon't ASK me."

    I'm going to pin those Sherwood Ring pictures. Just FYI. I LOVE that book, and you did a good job getting the quotes that capture its essence.

  3. I know, Kit. That's such a great book! :)

    Aww, thanks, Peskie. I'm glad to hear that you found them pin-worthy! Seriously. that's nice.
    And I'm very glad I made you wheeze. Funny is good.
